Tuesday, January 6

Near Death Experience Anyone ?

After reading this article, many of you might think I am crazy or you might even google for it and then agree. Its a great grandmother's story to her granddaughter passed across 3 generations.

The great granny was once suffering from some acute disease, she was approx. 80 yrs of age and was on her death bed. After days of suffering and without intake of food, she died. Or that was everyone thought. They made arrangements according to the Hindu tradition for her smooth transition into afterlife. yeah.. News about her death spread and people started to pour into the house. Dear and near ones were sad. After a few hours the great granny, suddenly came to her senses! she started to squabble something illegible. The crowd around was horrified. Dead woman alive?! This cant happen. Should not happen. Death is a one time call. After sometime of murmuring, she vomited. People around were taken aback because she spilled out, rice grains which were inches long. Then the granny narrated her dream to everyone. She told people surrounding her that she was led by two escorts with horns on their head (like those of an ox) and that she met Yama, who is the Lord of death in Hindu religion. But fortunately or unfortunately she was the wrong person who was picked up from earth. So the Lord treated the old lady with some Bhojanam (traditional food) and sent her back to earth with the escorts.

People were aghast, without words and the story spread throughout.

What the granny experienced then is called as Near Death Experience or NDE in today's lingo.

NDE is defined as the out of the world experience that one has when he/she is terminally ill or met with a sudden accident or a seriously debilitating condition. Many people have reported their experiences throughout the world and has been even recorded. Scientists have tried to decode this phenomenon but have not succeeded much. When i google'd for info on this i came across this amazing website which documented examples of NDE. Go through at your leisure. This amazing phenomenon is so difficult to explain that doctors have debated on the mere existence of such a thing. People belonging to many religions have experiences based on their believes which is something strange.

NDE research has concluded from pre-birth to reincarnation. May be a past-life regression therapy can throw some light on it.

Stay tuned for some write up on another interesting topic!


  1. Nice one. How about re-birth. I am a big fan of the CSI series which is being aired on AXN. In one of the episodes, a man fakes his own death by injecting himself with some substance. There is no pulse and the man is literally dead for about 18 hours. After the effects of the substance wears off, he breaks open his coffin and comes out!

    Well thats how the story goes in one of the episode. Is that possible? I am a bit skeptical regarding this one.

  2. I haven't seen CSI bro...but i guess that state of temporary death is possible...I watched a recording of a village ceremony on TV..a few months back. There the village headman has to undergo a ritual in which he is made to eat leaves of a particular plant and other restricted foods, he is made to stay alone. After a few days, he dies. Dies for hours together. Doctors tested him and declared that he doesnt show any pulse or breathing. When he is laid on the ground, ants crawl over him literally trying to eat him. But he is brought back to life once the ritual is over, with the blessings of the presiding deity. I was DUMBSTRUCK watching that episode... So i guess some chemical substances can bring man to a state of pseudo-death, if i may call it so....

  3. I was and I am always fascinated by the concept of NDE and about a person's ability of paranormal perception...!!! Ur post reminded me of the "smoking gun" case, the one described by Michael Sabom in his book Light and Death. In this case, the patient had her NDE while her body temperature was lowered to 60 degrees, and all the blood was drained from her body. "Her electroencephalogram was silent, her brain-stem response was absent, and no blood flowed through her brain." A brain in this state cannot create any kind of experience. Yet the patient reported a profound NDE. Those materialists who believe that consciousness is secreted by the brain, or that the brain is necessary for conscious experience to exist, cannot possibly explain, in their own terms, cases such as this...!!!

  4. Rightly said shilpa...

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